• Suggests ditching individual policy makers dot chart forecasts for rates
  • Dots are a flawed tool due to guesswork and changing of policymakers
  • Expects Fed to continue refining communications after past failures
  • Fed will assure affordable financing of economic expansion as long as inflation doesn’t look to rise above 2%
  • Repeats he wants bond buying to end at October FOMC

Richard Fisher has not been one to keep his views to himself over QE and wants to be shot of it asap.

“I am just happy that we will be rid of the QE program soon enough. I was not for this program to begin with” He said in a speech in New Orleans


Richard Fisher’s favourite sport

And with that ladies and gentlemen I wish you all a very good weekend and thank you for all your news, views and comments this week. I hope it’s been a profitable one for you.