I’d ask for a show of hands of people who think the markets are crooked but the ‘butterfly effect’ from all those arms going up would probably result in a devastating hurricane somewhere on the planet.

So when you get a crook not willing to deal with other crooks what are we to do?

A former New York mob boss is calling a bubble in stocks.

Former hood, Michael Franzese says investors should avoid the US stock market;

“There’s a bubble there that’s going to burst at some point and when it does it’s not going to be good,”

In a big case of pot calling the kettle black he added;

“I did a lot of things at times with people on Wall Street. A lot of guys are shady and they did shady things with me and I don’t trust them. And I don’t like other people that I don’t know really well taking care of my money. I think that I can do it better.”

He says that gold is the best place for your money as it’s something tangible;

“No matter what, it’s always going to have a value, unlike stocks, where in our country, you go to sleep, everyone tells you everything is wonderful, you wake up and everything is gone.”

As someone who was apparently raking in $8m a week at times, and who knew how to “manufacture” large returns you’d like to think he knows what he’s talking about.

Who would you trust more with your investments?

A wall Street banker

A crime boss

And just in case he’s reading this I’ve bought 10 copies of your book sir
