• Prior 34.9
  • Current conditions 22.4 vs 14.8 exp. Prior 10.0

That’s the highest since Feb last year

ZEW says;

  • New year started with turmoil in capital markets
  • Upcoming Greek election and SNB decision to abandon euro cap on franc led to strong market fluctuations
  • This seems not to have impressed financial market experts with regard to expectations for German economy
  • Instead, falling oil prices and a depreciating euro contributed to the further gain of the indicator

What a load of old flannel

EUR/USD agrees as it pops to 1.1615 on the release and is then chopped down to 1.1588

ZEW’s Fuest adds;

  • That expected QE is already reflected in the price of the euro
  • There are no explicit concerns about deflation
  • SNB decision did not change expectations for the German economy
  • Experts already expect that the ECB will decide on QE and they also expect a further depreciation of the euro over next 6 months
German ZEW 20 01 2015

German ZEW 20 01 2015