September 2017 US producer price index highlights

  • Prior 1.9%
  • PPI ex food and energy +2.2% vs +2.0% y/y exp
  • Prior PPI ex food and energy 2.0% y/y
  • Ex food, energy and trade +2.1% vs +1.9% prior

Month-over-month data:

  • Final demand +0.4% vs +0.4% exp
  • Prior +0.2%
  • Ex food and energy +0.4% vs +0.2% exp
  • Prior ex food and energy +0.1%
  • Ex food, energy and trade +0.2% vs +0.2% expected
  • Prior ex food, energy and trade +0.2%

There are some budding signs of pressure but the rise in gasoline prices and the storms could have skewed the data. At the same time, the US dollar was really in the doldrums in September.