This caught my eye from a JPM piece. It's an instructive article on bitcoin et al but ends on quite a sour note

Are they Pyramid Schemes?

  • Another worrying aspect of cryptocurrencies are some parallels to fraudulent pyramid schemes. Initiator of a pyramid scheme often ensures ownership of a disproportionally large share of future profits.
  • For instance, in the case of bitcoin, it is believed that an unknown person (or persons) known as 'Satoshi Nakamoto', before disappearing, mined the first 1-2M coins or ~10% of the coins that will ever exist ($4-8bn USD current value).
  • While initial mining requires a negligible effort, the benefits for subsequent participants start diminishing. Mining becomes progressively more difficult, and eventually unprofitable, marking the likely end of a scheme.
  • A way around this in Pyramid schemes is to bypass the original chain and start a new one of your own. The cryptocurrency analogy would be to start a new coin if it is more profitable than mining the existing one. This can work as long as there are enough willing and uninformed buyers.
  • While we don't know whether the price of cryptocurrencies will go up or down in the near-term, the history of currencies, governments and financial fraud tells us that the future for cryptocurrencies will likely not be bright.


There is more in the piece from JPM is there is any interest

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