Start at the screens long enough and you won't see anything at all
For the last few days of watching the screens I couldn’t pick a trade or trend out of them even if they were dancing up and down waving a buy or sell flag. I’ve seen the odd trade but my mojo has left me. Fundamentally and sentimentally I’m switched on to the market but I’ve got trading snow blindness at the moment. The screens are just a blur of lines and numbers. Fortunately for the benefit of writing for the site I can see the levels ok but I’m not in the groove with direction and where I want to trade.
It happens to me from time to time and comes as a result of staring at screens and prices nearly 24/7 for weeks and months on end, not just for doing this job but in my own trading too. It’s one of those things that I know happens to a fair amount of traders and I recall getting it last year too.
Often it just comes on when one goes to far and heavy into trading and you get sucked in. It can happen in the middle of a winning streak where you’re in a great mood and push yourself too hard to find the next winner, when maybe you just need to settle back and let your trading flow. It can also come when you’re on a losing streak and are desperate to break the slump. The result is the same and becomes a mental challenge to overcome.
More often than not it just takes a break from trading to get your head straight. Just like a trend we need a refresh now and again, a clearing of the cob webs, a brain reboot. The problem can increase exponentially if you can’t do that or it doesn’t work and it can have a spiral affect on all parts of your trading and decision making. When you get to times like that its very dangerous both for you and your trading account and a proper switch off is required, a good holiday maybe.
Constantly being aware of your mental state and ability to trade is another very important part of trading. I know that I’m not down the dangerous end of the trading blindness scale so in a few days I’m going to be back in the groove. The real issue is not seeing the signs or having the honesty to look at yourself in the mirror and admit you’re not quite right in the head.
While we spend most days on ForexLive talking markets all day long it is important to touch on the mental and psychological side of trading and just talking about it to someone can make a world of difference. So, if you’re suffering the same symptoms or have any other issues you want to get off your chest or need help with then let us know in the comments. I wrote this post late Friday night and scheduled it for today but I will monitor the comments as best I can over the weekend, to respond to anyone who has a question or something they need help with.
A healthy mind is an important factor in keeping a healthy trading account.