Digging back to a video from 2014 explains trading between the goal posts

The AUDJPY is trading "between the goal posts". I spoke to that in my last post here.

This dynamic - outlined in my book Attacking Currency Trends as well - does happen a number of times in the markets. It occurs on a corrective move of a trend like move when the 100 bar MA leads, the 200 hour MA lags and the corrective move enters back between the MA levels.

I looked back in our video archive to find a video that discussed the dynamic of the setup/trade. It goes back to 2014 (so I am certainly younger), but it goes through the "goal post" dynamics and some other lessons for traders in the process.

Sometimes, it is better to "read, see and hear the story". This video looks at the EURUSD, but the dynamics of the setup is the same no matter the currency pair (or index, or commodity, or whatever). I hope you learn from it, and find it beneficial in your trading going forward.