Currently 0.7492 on 1-week lows.
USD demand and lower commodity prices providing the downward pressure.
Offers: 0.7520 0.7535 0.7550 0.7575-80 0.7600 0.7620 0.7650
Bids: 0.7480 0.7450 0.7435 0.7420 0.7400 0.7385 0.7350
USD demand and lower commodity prices providing the downward pressure.
Offers: 0.7520 0.7535 0.7550 0.7575-80 0.7600 0.7620 0.7650
Bids: 0.7480 0.7450 0.7435 0.7420 0.7400 0.7385 0.7350
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