Currently 0.8896 as the pound feels a bit of European love
Ind prod data at 09.30 GMT
Offers: 0.8925-35 0.8950 0.8980 0.9000 0.9030 0.9050 0.9070 0.9100
Bids: 0.8885 0.8860 (strong) 0.8835 0.8800 0.8785 0.8750 0.8700
Ind prod data at 09.30 GMT
Offers: 0.8925-35 0.8950 0.8980 0.9000 0.9030 0.9050 0.9070 0.9100
Bids: 0.8885 0.8860 (strong) 0.8835 0.8800 0.8785 0.8750 0.8700
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