Bank of France head and ECB man on the wires

  • BoF's role is to be fully independent

  • BoF is not giving grades in election campaign

  • Leaving the euro would be a significant inflation shock (that would be the least of your worries chum)

  • There's big stability in the euro

When someone uses percentages, that's usually to make something seem better or worse than using another method. I'm not sure if he's telling us this to show he's on the austerity bandwagon or because the BoF is a good place to work and they like to maintain their employees.

I could just be feeling super cynical this Monday ;-)

  • Reforms are key for the French economy

  • ECB has observed that the economic situation is improving

  • Fear of inflation is exaggerated

  • Monetary policy must remain active

Now with his ECB hat on.