From the Bank of Japan:

Summary of Opinions at the Monetary Policy Meeting on December 19 and 20, 2022

Full text is here

Headlines via Reuters

  • BOJ must widen trade band to address declining market functions but even so, no change to fact powerful monetary easing continues
  • BOJ must widen yield band to address distortion in 10-year JGB pricing but this is not a step toward exit from ultra-easy policy
  • by pledging to flexibly buy bonds, BOJ would enhance sustainability of its monetary easing


Countering the ill-effects impacting the bond market were a prime reason cited by the BOJ when they widened the band. Repeated above.

Also repeated are:

  • need wage growth
  • widening made easy policy more sustainable
  • the widening is not a step toward exiting easy policy


More points from the Summary:

  • BOJ must humbly scrutinise how much widening of yield band would improve market function
  • When BOJ eyes exit from easy policy, it must check to see whether market players are prepared for such move, where risks could lie when interest rates rise
  • Appropriate to maintain easy policy now but at some point, BOJ must conduct examination of its policy to gauge balance of pros and cons of current measures
  • Tweaking BOJ’s price target would be inappropriate as it would dilute its policy goal and make its monetary policy effect insufficient
  • Govt rep said understand today's debated step is aimed at conducting more sustainable monetary easing
  • Govt rep said hope BOJ continues to work closely with govt, guide policy appropriately with eye on economic, price, financial developments
  • Inflationary momentum may be increasing in japan as prices rising not just for goods but services
  • Consumer price conditions approaching conditions seen before japan slid into deflation
  • There is still some distance toward sustainably, stably hitting price target
  • Year-on-year rise in import prices clearly narrowed in November as commodity prices falling from peak levels
  • There is good chance wages will rise significantly due to robust corporate profits
  • More firms becoming keen on raising wages as job market tightens, which could help push up inflation sustainably
Kuroda BOJ karate meme

Background to this release is here: