Australia Westpac Consumer Confidence/sentiment for January falls by 1.7% to 103.3

  • Prior was -4.8% to 105
Westpac Consumer Sentiment result data 22 January 2014
  • lowest level since July 2013
  • 6.6% below the recent peak in September last year
  • The Index remains comfortably in the zone where optimists outnumber pessimists
  • All five components (seasonally adjusted) of the Index fell in January

From Westpac:

the January survey shows a strong seasonal upward bias because of the ‘holiday effect’ and seasonal adjustment is important to gauge the underlying strength of the Index. For example, over the last 5 years on a seasonally unadjusted basis the Index has risen by an average of 5% in January. The unadjusted lift in January 2014 was a comparatively modest 2.5% emphasising the softish nature of the result.

Wespac consumer sentiment 22 January 2014
Westpac sentiment table 22 January 2014


The AUD market focus today is on the Q4 CPI. Previews here and here.