Barnier said to told EU ambassadors that reports to that effect were "completely untrue", according to RTE's Tony Connelly

Source say Michel Barnier has told EU ambassadors that there has been no breakthrough on the fisheries question, and that reports to that effect were "completely untrue"

Reuters adding to this by saying that Barnier's briefing was "rather downbeat on prospects of a deal", with him mentioning that the ball is in the UK's court to move.

The pound is being weighed a little lower on the session again, with cable slipping just below 1.3400 now and looking to its 200-hour moving average @ 1.3381.

Update: The Guardian's Brussesl bureau chief, Daniel Boffey mentions that:

Michel Barnier neither pessimistic nor optimistic, for a change. Is playing down progress on fish... but there is difference between the technical level and the political one. Then again, I would say that.

The bottom line is that there is no white smoke just yet but the question remains, is that part of the political theater or is there really just no room for compromise?