In a chaotic session in parliament yesterday, UK lawmakers accidentally passed an amendment allowing for Theresa May's withdrawal agreement bill to be debated once again during an extension
The Kinnock amendment passed through without most lawmakers knowing how or why at the time as the government did not provide any tellers for the vote.
As such, the amendment went through without any official count and is slapped onto the Brexit bill that rebel/opposition lawmakers are bringing to the House of Lords today.
Labour's official legal advice is that the amendment changes nothing on the bill but let's take a look at what it actually does, just in case.
The amendment states that in any event of a Brexit extension, it imposes obligations for lawmakers to debate May's withdrawal agreement bill and possibly to vote on whether or not to adopt the bill as a formal Brexit position.
But that is the extent of it, so Labour is technically right as the amendment does not include a legally binding obligation to outright adopt May's withdrawal agreement bill.
In some weird twist of fate, the amendment passing probably makes an extension more likely - though we all know that the true intention of the UK is never to pass this bill as it has already been voted down three times in the past.
(h/t @ JolyonMaugham for helping to clear up the air on this legal matter yesterday)