BBC report

UK coronavirus cases are up to 8. The latest is in the southern city of Brighton and was a member of a doctor's staff.

There are no details to reveal when he/she were last at work but that's the kind of situation where someone could infect a lot of vulnerable people.

Here is the report. There are no details yet but the cases in Brighton appear to tie back to the notorious Jan 20-23 Singapore conference and then the chalet in France.

What worries me about this cluster of cases is that all the patients reportedly have mild symptoms. Had the thread not been traced back to Wuhan and coronavirus, none of them would believe they had anything particularly grave. Most would have likely continued to go to school and travel in the community, passing it onto others who may have a much more severe reaction. Is that happening in other clusters that we don't know about? Given all the cases globally, it would be unlikely that it's not happening somewhere.