The WSJ report that the German central bank will be buying around €10bn of German sovereign bonds each month during the ECB QE program

In the Jan governing council meeting the ECB said they would be buying $60bn per month in QE, though this is over sov debt and private assets

The Bundesbank are are going to be in a loss from the get go with short term paper yields in the negative.

Head of Buba transactions, Andre Bartholomae is worried about the soup and nuts of the program.

"There are many details to clarify, also regarding the purchase of bonds with negative yields. Purchases on a whatever-it-takes basis could cause a crowding-out in the market,"

He also fears that bond supply on the secondary market will fall and would prefer to buy over the entire maturity curve.

Whatever the Germans think of QE they are getting the cheque book out but it shows there's still plenty of things to sort out before the March start date

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