That would bring down the government and force and election

117 Conservative MPs voted in a secret ballot to turf Theresa May, but do they dislike her enough to bring down the government and risk losing power to Labour?

Buzzfeed report there could be a hardcore group of 20 of them that want May gone badly enough to do it. If the government loses a no-confidence vote it gets 14 days to try again before an election is called. During that time they believe they could force May to resign and another leader could run in the general election.

"Sources in government and the pro-Brexit European Research Group agree there is a hardcore group of at least 20 MPs who are seriously talking about abstaining in the event of a confidence vote, in the hope of forcing a change of leader. They are said to believe an emergency Tory leadership contest could be held in 14 days to anoint a new Brexiteer PM," Buzzfeed reports.

Others in May's party think a second referendum is the only way out of the quagmire but note that May is dead against it.