I have these due for release at 0200GMT but I might be incorrect on this. These are normally published in a timely manner (unlike trade balance data, for example, which can be a bit all over the place).
Here are the priors and median expectations:
Industrial Production y/y
- expected is 5.4%, prior was 5.4%
- China's industrial output has eased due to the ongoing trade dispute with the US.
Industrial production YTD y/y
- expected is 6.1%, prior was 6.2%
Fixed Assets (excluding rural) YTD y/y
- expected is 6.1%, prior was 6.1%
Retail Sales y/y
- expected is 8.1%, prior was 7.2%
Retail Sales YTD y/y
- expected is 8.0%, prior was 8.0%