Details from the December 2015 US PPI final demand data report 15 January 2016
- Prior +0.3%
- -1.0% vs -1.0% exp y/y. Prior -1.1%
- Ex-food & energy +0.1% vs +0.1% exp m/m. Prior +0.3%
- +0.3% vs +0.3% exp y/y. Prior +0.5%
- Ex-food, energy & trade +0.2% vs +0.1% prior m/m
- +0.3% vs +0.3% prior y/y
Pretty much bang on the screws. No inflation pressure here but maybe some worries about the fall in the core number excluding trade. All eyes will be on the retail sales report though
Same old story on the price front. Energy leads but falls also for goods and trade
PPI details