2145 GMT New Zealand Manufacturing Activity for Q2
2301 GMT UK data - RICS House Price Balance for August
- expected 75%, prior 79%
- the survey measures the percentage of surveyors reporting a house price increase in their area
- Royal Institution for Chartered Surveyors (RICS)
2350 GMT Japan international securities flows for the week & Money supply data for August
0130 GMT China inflation data for August
- China CPI expected 1.0% y/y, prior 1.0%
- PPI expected 9.0% y/y, prior 9.0%
And, as an added .... bonus? At 2200 GMT Federal Reserve Dallas branch head Kaplan is speaking
- will participate in a Discussion of Economic Developments and Implications for Monetary Policy
Kaplan has been the loudest and longest proponent of a sooner rather than later Fed taper.