There is no scheduled time, nor even firm date for this data from China

I've got a window for it from the 13th to the 15th. So, it could be out today some time.

But, from experience whenever I get the window it pretty much always comes out on the last day. Which, in this case, would be the 15th. Saturday.

So, I'll keep an eye out over the weekend.

  • September new yuan loans (RMB), expected is 1000bn, prior was 948.7bn
  • Aggregate financing RMB for September, expected is 1390bn, prior was 1469.7bn
  • Money supply M0 for September y/y: expected is 7.3%, prior was 7.4%
  • Money supply M1 for September y/y: expected is 24.5%, prior was 25.3%
  • Money supply M2 for September y/y: expected is 11.6%, prior was 11.4%

It's the new yuan loans and, even more so, the Aggregate financing that are of the most focus. The aggregate financing is sometimes referred to as total social financing and is the indicator of credit growth. Its growth in credit that has been a key driver of the bounce in economic data we've seen in China ... and that's also re-ignited property prices.