This from an overnight report, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin:

  • there is no change in the U.S.'s dollar policy "as of now"
  • M would not rule out a change though at some time in the future

It'd be silly of him to rule out a change forever, so yeah. Anyway, back to Mnuchin:

  • "This is something we could consider in the future but as of now there's no change to the dollar policy."

This is related to speculation Trump would like to do something to weaken the USD.

With US policy on so many issues being beholden to Trump's latest tweet you wouldn't want to bet the ranch on Mnuchin's comments.

Mnuchin was specifically asked about a strong US dollar: "I'm not going to make any specific comments on the dollar policy or the euro-dollar policy."

This from an overnight report, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin:

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