More today from the IMF meeting in Washington

  • IMF steering panel says global growth remains subdued and downside risks persist
  • some new risks emerging
  • easy monetary policies in developed economies have supported global growth and remain appropriate
  • advanced economied need credible fiscal policies with further financial sector and structural reforms
  • eventual move toward more normal monetary policy should be well-timed, carefllu calibrated and clearly communicated
  • re-affirms commitment to refrain from competitive devaulations and all forms of protectionism
  • global reforms including to0- big- to- fail,cross border resolution and derivatives markets need to be implemented promptly and consistently
  • medium-term fiscal plans in advanced nations should be implemented flexibly to account for near-term economic conditions
  • urges final ratification of the IMF 2010 reforms without delay
  • remains committed to completing quota review by jan 2014. urges IMF board to adopt new quota formula