The newest member of the G7 moves to the middle of the tariff debate

The newest member of the G7, Italian's PM Giuseppe Conte is happy with taking a moderate position with regard to tariffs:

  • regarding the trade tariffs. there are conflictual positions out there
  • Certainly, we will promote a moderate position. We will try to understand the reasoning that have pushed people to take the positions they have, and will act accordingly
  • Is important that trade sanctions against Russia did not hurt the country's ordinary people, and said Italy was totally dissatisfied with the way immigration from Africa was being handled in the European Union

The new Italian government has signaled it is likely to be more pro-Russian and its foreign policy. As such, Conte did back Trump's idea that Russia should be reinstated into the G7 (making it G8 again).

I wonder who Trump will wander towards at the meetings?