Details of the January 2016 UK industrial and manufacturing production data report 9 March 2016

  • Prior -1.1%
  • 0.2% vs 0.2% exp y/y. Prior -0.4%. Revised to -0.2%
  • Manufacturing production 0.7% vs 0.2% exp m/m. Prior -0.2%. Revised to -0.3%
  • -0.1% vs -0.7% exp y/y. Prior -1.7%

If cable was sniffing out a good number it got it half right. The jump in manufacturing is the stand out, and the lower than expected industrial number is still good in the context that it's a rise from last month.

North Sea oil and gas extraction took a big hit but there were some horrid storms in that area in Jan.

Overall it's a half decent report and cable is liking it as it makes a new high at 1.4233.

UK industrial and manufacturing production y/y