BoP Current Account Balance for May: Y +522.8 bn

  • expected ¥ 417.5B, prior ¥ 187.4B

BoP Current Account Adjusted for May: Y +384.6 bn

  • expected ¥ 158.1B, prior ¥ 130.5B

Trade Balance BoP Basis May: Y -675.9 bn

  • expected ¥ -822.5B, prior ¥ -780.4B

Bank Lending including trusts June, y/y: +2.3%

  • expected +2.1%, prior +2.2% (revised from +2.3%)

Bank Lending excluding trusts June, y/y: +2.5%

  • prior 2.4%

Taps screen where USD/JPY chart is displayed … “Is this thing on?”

… yeah, yen barely moving, USD/JPY dribbled a point or two lower. EUR/JPY collapses maybe 3 points (yes, ‘collapses three points’ is me being sarcastic … and oh, yeah, , sardonic would probably be better suited)

ADDED … yen moving a little more now! Yay!


  • Imports +10.9% y/y
  • Exports +9.7% y/y in May … the good increase in exports was a contributor to the higher than expected surplus