JAPAN DATA: More from the MOF’s Q1 Financial Statements Statistics of
Corporations by Industry:
— Japan Q1 Capex (Ex-Software) +3.5% Y/Y Vs Q4 +4.9%
— Japan Q1 Capex (Ex-Software) S/A -1.7% Q/Q; MNI F’cast -4.0%
— Japan Q1 Capex (Ex-Software) 1st Q/Q Drop in 2 Qtrs; Q4 +11.8%
— Japan Q1 Manufacturer Capex +3.8% Y/Y Vs Q4 +5.7%
— Japan Q1 Non-Manufacturer Capex +3.0% Y/Y Vs Q4 +8.6%
— Japan Q1 Non-Fncl Firm Current Profit +9.3% Y/Y Q4 -10.3%