That is certainly hopeful thinking


Most level-headed optimists would expect a successful vaccine to be developed any time within 12-18 months at the earliest. But as far as medical procedures go, there will be a lot of trial and error - and human testing - between now and then.

Back to the current reality, Japan is looking to lift its state of emergency protocol in most prefectures later this week. The virus spread in the country has moderated a little but again, it is best to not be complacent.

It appears Japanese officials are accepting that they aren't going to be able to eradicate the virus spread altogether. Hence, as long as it is along the lines of manageable levels, the country should move back towards reopening of its economy.

This is arguably the same recipe for most other countries across the globe, barring some exceptions like Australia and New Zealand for example. But once international borders reopen, this is perhaps the only way to ever move forward and to live with the virus.