- Prior 101.2
- Business climate 0.39 vs 0.40 exp. Prior 0.37. Revised to 0.36
- Industrial sentiment -3.3 vs -3.4 exp. Prior -3.4 revised to -3.5
- Services sentiment 4.2 vs 3.5 exp. Prior 3.2. Revised to 3.3
- Consumer confidence -9.3 vs -12.5 exp. Prior -12.7
- Consumer inflation exp 10.8 vs 13.6 prior
- Selling price expectations -0.8 vs +0.1 prior. Revised to -0.2
Sentiment continues to rise to the highest since August 2011. Consumer confidence shows a marked improvement while price expectations confirm the weak price environment we’re seeing.
As usual though, sentiment is one thing and turning that into orders out the door is another. Still, confidence breeds confidence and people are more likely to do more business and spend if they feel better about the future.
EUR/USD shows what improved sentiment really means by doing absolutely nothing at 1.3718
EZ economic sentiment 28 03 2014