By Mark Pender

NEW YORK (MNI) – MNI’s U.S. retail trade indicator slowed by 1.5
points in the Oct. 27 period to 60.0, well above breakeven 50 to
indicate strong growth in year-on-year business activity, according to
the results of MNI’s weekly survey released Monday.

However, indications on month-to-month activity have turned
negative with MNI’s data signaling -0.3% for the government’s October
retail sales headline.

Same-store sales are unchanged at a year-on-year +2.7% but total
sales slowed sharply in the period, down seven tenths to plus 3.9% for
the slowest rate since August and one of the very slowest rates of the

Building materials are showing a decline this month as are
furniture and non-store retailers.

General merchandise and electronics & appliances are showing gains.

Year-on-year income growth for the sample is a very respectable

Sample size in the period is 175 chains representing 221,900
separate retail locations.

Editor’s Note: MNI compiles its retail trade indicator based on a
weekly sample of company news and data.

** MNI New York Bureau: 212-669-6430 **