• ECB actions have helped ease market tensions
  • European economy may have bottomed out
  • Credit tightness is the biggest bottleneck in the Eurozone economy
  • Spain has achieved needed medium-term budget balancing
  • Adjustment in the Baltic states is over, growth has resumed
  • EU joint bank supervision to start next year
  • Yesterday’s Italian debt auction showed impact of ECB action
  • IMF is committed to support Greece within the EU and the EU commission is working closely with IMF to resolve open issues
  • Cutting loan rates to Greece may be a route to sustainability, but no on solution alone will be enough
  • An internal devaluation in the whole EU area would lead to recession
  • Working towards Sweden, Denmark joining the banking supervision which would help all in the EU
  • Harmonizing deposit guarantees doesn’t mean merging funds
  • Pooling deposit guarantees in EU wouldn’t boost credit
  • European credit is tight on lack of demand, supply constraints

Bloomberg reporting

Ok Olli that’s enough now…