I posted yesterday on a Beijing academic's view that China's President Xi has a 5 year timeline to annex Taiwan

The issue is gaining further attention in US media, this via Politico:

  • Top U.S. military officials are warning with increasing urgency that China could in the next few years invade Taiwan
  • It’s a timeline they say has been accelerated by the Trump administration’s repeated provocation of Beijing, China’s rapid military build-up, and recent indications that Taiwan could unilaterally declare its independence from the mainland.
  • “War over Taiwan would be unthinkable,” said Eric Sayers, a visiting fellow at the American Enterprise Institute. “A major challenge Washington faces is that Taiwan has been viewed by many as a 2035 planning problem. … The [Chinese army’s] capabilities have now matured to such a degree that this is no longer a dilemma we can afford to push off.”

Link to the article for more if you are interested.
