DJ / Market Watch report on what equity analysts are thinking about the potential impact of the Mueller report.

  • The report could be a major and immediate driver of stock-market volatility, strategists said, if its conclusions incriminate the president in a direct manner.

The MarketWatch piece cites Stephen Pavlick, Washington policy analyst at Renaissance Macro Research

  • "There's more downside risk than upside"

if there really were damning information, such as proof that Donald Trump coordinated with the Russian government's effort to boost his election chances, that it likely would have come out already

But if the report does include information so damning that it leads to erosion of support for Trump among the Republican Party's base, "the market reaction would be bad"

  • it would create a great deal of uncertainty
  • put the administration's tax and regulatory agenda at risk
  • It's conceivable that Trump could "raise tariffs on China or impose auto tariffs on the EU just to change the conversation," Pavlick said.

Here is the link for more.

DJ / Market Watch report on what equity analysts are thinking about the potential impact of the Mueller report.


Huh. let's see what Mueller has found. Be prepared for it swing either way I guess.