New batch of votes from Arizona

Maricopa county (Phoenix) just added 61,789 ballots to its tally as they continue to count dropped-off votes.

The split was:

  • Biden: 28,285 (45.8%)
  • Trump: 31,7686 (51.4%)

That's tough news for the Trump campaign because he needs about 58% of the remaining votes to close the gap with Biden. On this it narrowed to 43K votes from 47K votes.

These votes have been tough to predict because some were dropped off at various times leading up to the vote and even within Maricopa, there hasn't been a clear trend. Just on this news though, betting odds of Biden winning Arizona rose to 85%.


Arizona isn't necessary with a 2-3 state buffer for Biden, the path to legal challenges closes and there are higher odds of a smooth transition.