ANZ Job Advertisements data

For March, up 1.6% m/m

  • February was +0.4%

For the y/y, up 17.7% (ANZ cite the 3 month average for y/y figures)

  • prior (February release) +18.5% y/y

ANZ summary:

  • The ongoing high level of job ads indicates a strong labour market, though the pace of growth has flattened off recently
  • The regions continue to lead the charge. Every single one of the 11 less urbanised regions is experiencing stronger annual job ad growth than any of the three main centres
  • The construction, utilities, manufacturing and transport sector remains the largest sectoral driver of total job ads growth. The service sector is also contributing strongly
  • The current strength of labour demand flags unemployment heading under 5% later this year, with accompanying modestly stronger wage growth