Details of the October 2015 Eurozone economic sentiment and consumer confidence data report 29 October 2015

  • Prior 105.6
  • EU 28 states 107.5 vs 107.6 prior
  • Business sentiment 0.44 vs 0.31 exp. Prior 0.34. Revised to 0.36
  • Industrial sent -2.0 v s-2.7 exp. Prior -2.2. Revised to -2.3
  • Services sent 11.9 v s12.0 exp. Prior 12.4
  • Consumer confidence final -7.7 unch
  • Consumer inflation expectations 0.7% vs 3.2% prior

That's a massive drop in the inflation expectation numbers. I'm going to check the actual release as that looks well off

Well I'm blowed if I can find the actual release. The EC and Eurostat websites have got to be the worst websites in the world for trying to find info. Maybe that's intentional.

If it is right that's the biggest drop since it went negative in Jan 2015, and we know what the ECB announced month!