Light schedule Trump today
10:30 am ET Receives his daily intelligence briefing
11:00 am ET Hosts an opioid and drug abuse listening session
3:45 pm ET Drops by the Women's Empowerment Panel
Sean Spicer is scheduled to host a press briefing at noon ET.
Opiates are an understudied economic problem. There is a compelling argument that a significant part of the drop in the prime-age working population is due to the opiate epidemic.
The US is 5% of the global population but consumes 80% of pharmaceutical opiates. There was a one prescription written for each of the 300 million Americans in 2015.
What's crazy about this tweet, aside from his endless preoccupation with the media, is that immediately after the healthcare vote fell apart on Friday he made two phone calls -- the New York Times and the Washington Post. Those are two of the newspapers he rages against most.