WSJ report Germany's Schaeuble can't repeat his assurance that Greece won't default

WSJ carrying an article on more to-ing and fro-ing over Greece. This time Schabes have backed away from saying that they won't default. More gamesmanship between him and Varoufakis perhaps? I'll let you know when I read the article ;-)

Update: Ok, a bit more. These were tweeted comments by the WSJ that Schaeuble can't repeat his 2012 assurance that Greece won't default. The rest of the comments are pretty much par for the course;

  • Splitting the last tranche of Greek bailout into instalments isn't an option
  • Talks about a third program can only come after current bailout has been completed

There's also some waffle on the UK saying that he wants to "think together" with the UK to change EU treaties and that Germany has a huge interest in the UK staying in Europe