At least a temporary one
We may all have political, philosophical and religious differences but in the future of humans versus robots, I think we're all on the same side.
So score a victory for us.
Analysts at Bernstein say that what's hurting Tesla right now is over-automation.
"Tesla has tried to hyper-automate final assembly. We believe Tesla has been too ambitious with automation on the Model 3 line. Few have seen it (the plant is off-limits at present), but we know this: Tesla has spent c.2x what a traditional OEM spends per unit on capacity.
It has ordered huge numbers of Kuka robots. It has not only automated stamping, paint and welding (as most other OEMs do) - it has also tried to automate final assembly (putting parts into the car). It talks of two-level final lines with robots automating parts sequencing. This is where Tesla seems to be facing problems (as well as in welding & battery pack assembly)."
Shares of Tesla are down 24% in the past two weeks.