She is staying on the court

The Supreme Court Justice Ruth Ginsburg is being treated for cancer recurrence. However she is staying on the court.

Ginsburg is 87 years old. She was appointed to the United States highs court on August 10, 1993 by Pres. Bill Clinton. She is generally viewed as belonging to the liberal wing of the court.

Ginsburg has had 4 previous occurrences of cancer with the 1st being colon cancer 1999.

  • In 2009 she underwent surgery for pancreatic cancer. The cancerous tumor was discovered in early stage.
  • In 2018 she fell and fractured 3 ribs. The CT scan of her ribs showed cancerous nodules in her lungs.
  • In December 2018 she underwent a left lung lobotomy to remove the nodules. That led to the 1st time in 25 years that Ginsburg missed oral arguments while she recuperated.
  • In August 2019, it was announced again had completed 3 weeks of focused radiation treatment to a tumor found in her pancreas.