A Brexit view from The Economist

They reckon that "By the end of 2017 Theresa May will have achieved little of substance"

  • Britain is now in unknown, volatile territory
  • When she triggers Article 50, Mrs May will begin a two-year countdown to Brexit. The first couple of months will bring bureaucratic throat-clearing (the European Commission will lead the talks, with the European Council breathing down its neck). In the run-up to France's presidential election, in April and May, mainstream French politicians will talk tough about Brexit to counter ­Marine Le Pen, the right-wing populist who wants her country to hold its own referendum on leaving the EU. Shortly afterwards German politics will turn inwards ahead of a parliamentary election in September, ­probably re-engaging in earnest with Brexit only in November, once a new coalition has emerged in Berlin.

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I don't know whether to be sympathetic to May or not. She is eating a s**t sandwich, one without any bread. But, it's a job she sought. I wish her well.