US President Trump on trade negotiations with China, comments via social media:

A couple of tweets:

  • I think that China felt they were being beaten so badly in the recent negotiation that they may as well wait around for the next election, 2020, to see if they could get lucky & have a Democrat win - in which case they would continue to rip-off the USA for $500 Billion a year.
  • The only problem is that they know I am going to win (best economy & employment numbers in U.S. history, & much more), and the deal will become far worse for them if it has to be negotiated in my second term. Would be wise for them to act now, but love collecting BIG TARIFFS!

The tariffs, being collected from US firms importing goods from China, are set to get bigger after the latest hike on Friday. Trump already looking forward to higher again in his second term.

The trade dispute looks set to continue for the foreseeable future. Its difficult to see these comments being positive for China-proxy trades (lookin' at you AUD). Buckle up!

US President Trump on trade negotiations with China, comments via social media: