How awkward will it be if Trump catches Abe cheating?

Trump has been dogged by rumours that he cheats at golf for more than 10 years.

Alice Cooper once answered a question about the "worst celebrity golf cheat" by saying "I played with Donald Trump one time. That's all I'm going to say."

The outing is ostensibly a way for Abe to try to ingratiate himself with Trump but it's a risk heading into the weekend for traders because Trump could use the occasion to talk about currencies.

In November Abe visited Trump and gave him a gold-plated driver so this match has been in the works for awhile.

Abe is big golf fan but his game is described as the "average weekend hacker". He belongs to a club with a +$625,000 membership fee.

Gawker has a brief history of accusations of Trump cheating at golf. Reuters has more on the meeting, including this graphic.