It is still early in the night but things are going terribly for Labour

UK election

The seats that they are holding on to in the north are seeing lesser majorities than in 2017, which sends an ominous signal about how the national vote may turn out to be.

The more worrying sign is that for Washington & Sunderland West, if not for the Brexit party standing there, the Conservatives may have even stolen the seat as well. That will just be an added early blow to Labour - which already appear to be in disarray right now.

The finger-pointing has begun and the prominent figures within the party itself are calling for Corbyn's head on the chopping block.

Perhaps the only thing they can take solace - if not for anything else - is that the exit poll had forecast that the Conservatives should hold a 6% voting gain across the seats but we're only seeing that at 3% on the first seven seats declared:

UK election 2

I'll be back again with more updates when we get closer to the key seats being declared.