• -0.1% prev
    • yy +0.1% vs +0.4% exp vs +1.2% prev rev down from +1.3%
    • mftg prod mm +0.4% vs +0.4% exp vs -0.6% prev rev down from -0.5%
    • yy +1.1% vs +1.3% exp vs +1.7% rev down from +1.9%
    • construction output volumes mm -0.9% vs +2.0 % exp vs -2.5% prev rev up from -2.6%
    • yy -1.3% vs +1.7% exp vs -3.0% prev rev up from -3.1%

Disappointing headers and revisions, for ind and mftg, give the pound another wobble but buyers appearing again for the moment

The data doesn't augur well for Q1 GDP along with the more important weaker readings in services sector lately. The UK reality check continues and that's not good news for Cameron &Co as we head into the election

Full report from the ONS here

GBPUSD 1.4678 EURGBP 0.7240