US DATA: OCC 17th annual Survey of Credit Underwriting Practices
says “After 3 years of broad tightening of underwriting standards, this
year’s survey showed some signs of easing especially in commercial
products. Even so, numerous banks made no changes or continued to
tighten underwriting standards especially in products with poor
performance. Underwriting standards remain in transition as banks
continue to react to economic conditions and changing risk in their
portfolios. For certain products, banks are once again easing standards
in response to competition, an improvement in credit market liquidity,
and a desire for more market share.” Survey included 54 of the largest
national banks, covering the 12-month period ending February 28, 2011.
The aggregate total of loans was $4.2 trillion as of December 31, 2010,
representing approximately 94 percent of total bank loans.