US DATA: Oct Help-wanted Online down 77,800; Advertised vacancies basically flat
for the last five months (since May); 2012 average monthly gain is 41,000 with
over half of the gain in the first quarter. “Online advertised vacancies fell
77,800 in October to 4,735,600, according to The Conference Board Help Wanted
OnLine (HWOL) Data Series released today. The October number is in line with the
number of advertised vacancies in May 2012. The Supply/Demand rate stands at 2.5
unemployed for every vacancy. In September the number of unemployed was 7.3
million above the number of advertised vacancies, down from 11.8 million at the
end of the recession in June 2009.- note that Conf Bd consumer conf has been
postponed until Nov 1.