Headlines crossing now

There is a small risk that Trump tries to fire Rosenstein and Mueller this weekend, which is likely contributing to the risk aversion in the stock market.

The memo says the FBI and Justice Dept got a warrant to spy on Trump campaign associate Carter Page by misleading a surveillance court judge.

The Nunes memo says the Steel dossier -- which was paid for by Democrats -- was used to obtain the warrant.

Trump was asked today if he had confidence in Deputy FBI Director Ron Rosenstein and said "you figure that one out."

Read the full memo.

Having gone through it, I just don't think this is going to be a lasting story. So the FBI used the Steele report to spy on Page. The real question is if Page, or anyone else was working for Russia?

Now, everything is politics. And everyone is a victim of a conspiracy but I don't know if this changes much. It doesn't even mention Rosenstein.