The first look at January 2019 durable goods orders

  • Prior was +1.2% (revised to +1.3%)
  • Durable goods ex transportation -0.1% vs +0.1% expected
  • Prior ex transportation +0.1% (revised to +0.9%)
  • Capital goods orders nondefense ex air +0.8% vs +0.2% expected
  • Prior capital goods orders nondefense ex air -1.0% (revised to -0.9%)
  • Capital goods shipments nondefense ex air +0.8% vs -0.2% expected
  • Prior capital goods shipmetns nondefense ex air 0.0% (revised to +0.1%)

Strong on the headlines and the revisions. This series has been badly disappointing for months so this is a nice rebound but it remains far from healthy.