Local officials in China's largest city unveiled the 50-point plan. Includes measures such as:

  • Delaying collection of social insurance fees for food service, retail, tourism, civil aviation, land, water and rail transportation businesses
  • Delaying tax filing deadline for qualified individuals and companies
  • 6-month rent reduction for small businesses that rent from state-owned properties
  • 30% subsidy for private-owned properties that reduce rent for tenants. /3
  • Property and land tax waivers for Q2,3 for qualified businesses
  • 600/head subsidy for hardest-hit businesses that didn't lay off workers
  • 2000/head subsidy for companies that employ graduating students in 2022 or those who've been unemployed for 3 months or longer

OK, thats a few - obviously there are 50 in total, but you get the idea. Reopening is expected to accelerate from Wednesday:

China coronavirus - lockdown restrictions slowly being eased back in Beijing, Shanghai

